My name is Nicole and I live in the UK. Ive lived most of my life with both anorexia and bulimia, swaying to and fro. Following a long desent into chronic bulimia and depression I aim to leave bulimia behind and gain control once again. Stay with me and help me reach success :-)

Thursday 8 April 2010

Mantra's in place.... Now time for the plan!!!!

Ok, so I have set out the mantra's that I will live by from now on and I have set a plan in place. This is something that I have never tried before ut we shall see how it goes. I'm calling it "diet by dice"

Every morning I will roll a single dice. Whatever the dice shows me is the amount of calories I must restrict to on that day.... eg.. I roll a 2, I restrict to 200 calories. I roll a 5, I restrict to 500 calories. This will just mix it up a little bit and will prevent anxieties the night before as I dont know what the next day will hold until I roll the dice.

I just hope in my heart that it helps to make those thin dreams and thoughts into thin thin thin reality!!!!

Nicole XOXO

My Mantra's

An imperfect body reflects an imperfect person.

You will be tempted quite frequently, and you will have to choose whether you will enjoy yourself hugely in the 20 minutes or so that you will be consuming the excess calories, or whether you will dislike youself cordially for 2 or 3 days for your lack of willpower.

I'm not starving myself...I'm perfecting my emptiness.

If I am not thin, I am not attractive.

I shall not eat without feeling guilty.

I shall not eat fattening food without punishing myself afterwards.

I shall count calories and restrict intake accordingly.

What the scale says is the most important thing.

Being thin and not eating are signs of true will power and success.

I WILL be a SUCCESS. I have no choice. Right now it is succeed or die as I cannot live in this huge fat state anymore.

Nicole XOXO

Wednesday 10 February 2010

I am back.... Larger then ever... but ready to go!!!

Im finally back. I feel like ive gained a million pounds and have been fighting with suicidal ideation of late however, I now feel like Im in a better headspace and ready to embrace restriction wholeheartedly. I will make a full post later on

Thin thought


Friday 15 January 2010

I will be away for a while

Unfortunately due to family reasons I will be away for a while. Im hoping not to gain too much weight with being away but I just can't deal with much more right now. I should be back to it in about 4 weeks and I really do need to step it up a gear. I need to embrace ana the way in which she once cradled me!

Think thin


Tuesday 12 January 2010


Hey Everyone,

Ok so Ive been away for a while for personal reasons. things have been really difficult with family issues and whatnot. Things have finally settled but I have gained weight, how much im not sure as I dont have access to any scales until tomorrow. The weight gain has brought with it an extreme bout of depression which in turn has caused uncontrollable binges. this has to end, i must regain control!!!!!!!!
Much love and thin thoughts



Friday 6 November 2009

Breaking News - I want to die!!!!!!

I've lost count of how many days Ive been awake, I've lost track of what day of the week it is and what date it is. Insomnia haunts me and I hate it. Not only that I don't seem to able to switch back to Ana. ARGH!!!!!

Thin Thoughts


Im too fat... time for thinspiration

Some thinspiration featuring the beautiful Cheryl Cole...

It should be a crime to look that perfect, not just thin but stunningly beautiful too!!!!

Thin Dreams :-)